A group of five people pose for a photo at a daytime picnic on a large grass field. In the background are scores of people walking, dancing, or watching the action.


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With your generosity, The Huntington funds extensive collections-based research and educational opportunities, public programs, more than a dozen unique gardens, and world-renowned art holdings.

Mostly green desert plants with some orange stalks.


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A woman in glasses and her arms folded in front of her holding some kind of white envelope or paper, looks at a blue, green, and red oil-drawn painting. What looks like a rectangular blue wallpaper swatch is attached to the wall below the painting.

Society of Fellows

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adults looking at sculpture

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two women sitting in chairs having a conversation in a gallery

Collectors’ Councils

The Collectors’ Councils play a vital role supporting art and library curators in acquiring relevant objects that expand The Huntington’s collections and provide new opportunities for cross-cultural understanding, inspiring present and future generations at The Huntington and beyond. The councils' members enjoy exclusive events throughout the year, including behind-the-scenes tours of special exhibitions and collections, as well as specialist-led trips to institutions and private collections near and far.