Young girl is reading Dr. Seuss' "Hop on Pop"

Story Time - Tiny, Perfect Things

Activity 1: Tiny Perfect Things Scamper

Go on a scamper around your home and/or around your neighborhood. Search for your favorite tiny objects and make a collection with them or take photos of what you find. Here are some examples from a scamper at The Huntington.

Various photos of botanical materials

Activity 2: Tiny Perfect Things Home Treasure Hunt


Hide some tiny, perfect things around your home and get your friends and family to try and find them. Can you find a speckled egg, a key, a pinecone, a stone with fossil impressions, and a purple amethyst crystal in the photo?

Activity 3: Tiny Perfect Things Fairy Garden

Fairy garden made of botanical materials

Have fun making your own “tiny, perfect things” fairy garden or miniature landscape with a potted plant. You can choose a potted plant that you already have, or try using a small succulent, such as micro sedum, as your garden backdrop. Add anything you find on your scampers that inspires you. Feathers, stones, and pipe-cleaners can all help to create an amazing fairy-sized universe. Use walnut shells, seed pods, or bottle caps to create little beds for the tiny perfect creatures who live in your miniature universe.

Activity 4: Teeny Tiny “Carrot Cake”

Micro carrot cake

Make an easy micro “carrot cake” with this easy, no-bake recipe.

2 large carrots, cut into thin rounds
4 tablespoons cream cheese, softened at room temperature
1 tablespoon icing sugar
Cake pearls or raisins for decoration

Get an adult helper, if needed, to help you cut the carrots cross-wise into thin rounds. Each round will be a “cake layer.”

In a small bowl, mix together the softened cream cheese and icing sugar. Start with a teaspoon of icing sugar and adjust the sweetness to suit your taste.

Use a butter knife to spread the icing layers on the carrot rounds and stack them so that they look like a small cake. Make your cake as tall as you want with as many carrot layers as you can add. Decorate the top of your cake with cake pearls or sprinkles if you have them. You can also use raisins. Enjoy eating your tiny, perfect thing!

Recipe and photography by Bob Blumer, a.k.a. The Kitchen Magician. Used with Permission.