Young girl is reading Dr. Seuss' "Hop on Pop"

Story Time - If...

Activity 1: Dream Up Some More

The last line of Sarah Perry’s book is: “...if this is the end, then dream up some more.” Now it’s your turn to create your own fantastical combination of things.

Fill in the blanks, draw out what you come up with or talk about it with your family or friends.

If _______________ were ________________________.

Here’s one to get your creative juices flowing.

If dogs were vacuum cleaners.
(Because they kind of already are.)

Drawing of dog as a vacuum cleaner

Share your imaginings with us at #TheHatHome.

Activity 2: If Inventions

Inventors are people who are always wondering “if…” Their inventions are all around us. Paper clips, pencils and airplanes are examples of things that were invented by humans who came up with creative solutions to solve a problem or to make life more amazing.

Get into an inventor’s frame of mind by picking an invention from The Huntington’s collections or find an invention in your own surroundings that inspires you. Remember, anything made by humans had to be invented, from rubber bands to cell phones.

Once you have chosen your object, invent a different purpose for that object.

Windsor Armchair from the Johnathan and Karin Fielding Collection

If chairs could fly.

Draw a picture of a chair that can fly or add to this photo by printing it out and drawing what it needs to become a flying chair. Or come up with your own inventive thing that a chair can do and draw it out.

Image: Windsor Armchair from the Johnathan and Karin Fielding Collection

If lightbulbs were powered by insects.

The Huntington’s lightbulb collection in Beautiful Science features lightbulbs from the 1890s-1960s
The Huntington’s lightbulb collection in Beautiful Science features lightbulbs from the 1890s-1960s

Draw a lightbulb powered by insects. What does it look like? Imagine new forms of light, powered by whatever your imagination comes up with.

Name your new invention. Once you have named your invention, share your If inventions with us at #TheHathome.