Young girl is reading Dr. Seuss' "Hop on Pop"

Story Time - Dodsworth in London

Activity 1: Up, Up, and Away

Our story begins with Dodsworth and his friend, a duck, traveling from Paris to London in a hot air balloon. Imagine that you could travel somewhere, anywhere. Design your own hot air balloon incorporating an object you can find around your home.

Here are a few to get you started, inspired by an orange-meets-hot-air-balloon print that we found in the Jay T. Last Collection. Images used with permission by Bob Blumer.

Activity 2: Explore Lynette Yiodom-Boakye's Paintings

British artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye paints people from her imagination and often completes her paintings in a single day. Although her paintings look like portraits, they are not paintings of real people. Try your hand at making your own figural artwork and create an artwork that represents a person from your imagination, just like Yiadom-Boakye does.

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